Friday, October 23, 2009

Soklan Panas..Panas ke..(tak de maknye)

1)”5″ nama timangan

-Gagak----ngok punya syazwan..!!!

-dah..tu je..gagak tu masa sekolah rendah dulo2..hampeh!!!

2) “5″ sifat/tabiat buruk…..

-naik angin

-tak suka cek balik keje yg dah dibuat

-gosok baju keje 30 minit sblm g keje

-marah adikku aida

-lepas exercise, p telan roti_milo_maggie..sbb lapor

3) “5″ makanan peberet

-kuew teow
-Mee rebus muar
-Satay Kajang

4)”5″ subjek pelajaran paling suko….

- Akaun

-Audit I

-Audit II

-Tak cukup lima sebab subjek len suka tdo dlm kelas

5)”5″ benda wajib lam purse….


-Kad bank

-Gambar parents

-Tesco Kad


6) “5″ topik yang biasa di bual bersama pasangan/teman….

- pasal citer SUMPAH BUNIAN dan NUR KASIH dan psl KERJA!!!


-Sapa yek...?kita tgk sapa yg kene!!!

Soklan WarmuP..warmup ke..Banyok ni jang???

1. Name one person who made u laugh last night?
Azira-character in Sumpah Bunian

2. What were u doin at 0800?

3. What were u doin 30mins ago?
Updates blog

4. What happened 2 u in 2006? University, repair paper

5. What was the last thing u said out LOUD??


6. What color is ur hairbrush?

Do i have?..

7. What was the last thing u paid for?
Ais batu

8. What’s the weather like today?
Raining but hot

9. What’s the best ice cream flavor?
Vanilla and caramel

10. What excites u?

Nur Kasih...Satay Kajang

11. Do u want 2 cut ur hair?
Nope..just cut

12. Are u over the age of 25?

13. Do u talk alot?

Sometimes , depends on mood

14. Do u watch the OC?

15. Do u knw anyone named steven?
Whose him?..handsome ker?

16. Are u a jealous person..
Sometimes..probably yes

17. Name a friend whose name starts with letter A
Arfah, Ana, Asmah

18. Name a friend whose name starts with letter K

Kak yat, kak niza, kak eton and all kak's

19. Who’s the first person on ur received call list?

20. What does the last text message ur received say?

Minyak sebotol, ais batu. mauripan 3 kotak, kelapa parut sebijik

21. What was the last thing u ate?


22. Will u get married in future?

Of course if i have meet my mr.right...

23. What’s the best movie u’v seen in the past 2wks?
Hantu from Indonesian at slot CITRA astro

24. Is there anyone u like right now?

25. Are u currently depressed?

26. Anyone ever said u resemble a celebrity?

27. What’s ur main ringtone on ur phone?
Be with you-Akon

28. What should u be doin right now?

29. Why did u answer n post dis?
hahahaa...cause tomorrow i'm on leave..can sleep late and to updates my blog so that no one miss me

30. tag 5 people…

Is that compulsory?

Monday, October 19, 2009


Dah 3 hari aku tak jumpa iman. Dia ke Langkawi..Sasau aku dibuatnya..tak tenang jiwa tak dapt peluk cium dia..Ni baru 3 hari. Kalau dia dah pindah macam mana la agaknya.
Terlalu rindu dgn iman, aku pun amik baju tdo yang selalu dia pakai, aku cium..erm..bau iman. Anak patung dia pun aku peluk, sampai lena aku tdo..Bau iman, ya allah..sedapnya..rindu gler tahap gaban dengan iman..Iman balikla cepat!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Since couple of weeks ago, I tried to download korean drama 'Worlds Within ' starring by Hyun-Bin and Song Hye-Kyo. Both of them officially dating since last month.They are actually the first Korean couple in REAL LIFE who i know admitted their relationship...Awesome! Till now, yet to watch the movie because i can't get through the link. As i read from the website, most of comments said this drama was good and didnt even notice that we was watching the last episode. It wasn't draggy and the characters were interesting. Let me watch it first before i write down any comments about this drama.


My lunch today is free. That's because I've got raya celebration at office. Each of person need to bring food or drink or anything can eat. So i bring squid dish which cook by my mom and prepare by me..Hahaha. I just put it in the tupperware. I promised mom to give a hand but cant wake up early. At office, all sorts of be such as nasi impit, kuah kacang, roti jala, kari ayam, rendang ayam and daging, sambal sotong, makaroni, spagethi, aiskrim, hotdog and many other. The taste is delicious and finger licking good.

As of today, the makan2 also to celebrate all practicals student whose finished their training. When look at them, make remember the time when i was alike them. The journey is just begin. Its come to our own decision to portray our own life script. So make the right choice!.

Monday is the public holiday for our company as part of company policies regarding the feast celebration. Yahoo!! No invoice uploads. But yet a lot of work to finish up before next Wednesday. I need to submit the notes that under my directory which is IPP-Eonbank, Prepayment, Cash Aging and IPP-Ambank. Out of this, i just finished the note for IPP-EBB and prepayment while other still in pending. I cant find out the statement for Ambank and i really burst out about this. Spending about 2 hours in searching the statement at the thousands of letter,wasted time. I will try this tuesday but if yet not find, try to figure out another way. Huh!!

I also bring back all the report for filing because auditors will come early in the november, and all documents must be set accordingly. Since the last 3 months i never make my self free to do filing. There's another important work to do and as a result it became too much and no free space to put in. Either i willing or not i need to clear and sort all documents and promise to myself to avoid last minute filing. And i just get an idea to ask my sister to hands over. Luckily she willing to help.Oh great!! Works will become easier and faster if everything done together. Like wonderpets song"APA YANG PENTING KERJASAMA"!!.. The song also used by my "crazy " store team as we always shared the feeling, bad and goods together. I will miss them someday when i am leaving.

As time goes by, I became another person. More people i meet, there is more style i got. People always tell that i calm and relax in handling the stress but what comes deep in my heart no body can express it. I am happy with my life now, but not so happy. Still searching my happiness heart and soul. And try harder to achieve the things i really wanted. Wish and pray for me.

~ Million of thanks !!! ~



Monday, October 12, 2009


Terima Kasih kepada semua yang sudi datang ke teratak keluargaku di Shah Alam.
Hope all of you enjoyed the meal and most important our relationship more strengthen afterwards. Thanks for coming and sorry for anything less.
Salam Aidlifitri,Jumpa lagi!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


SALAM..takda kerja nak kerja, dah dapat kerja?..adui,nah amik dush!!! Ada benda yang bila dperbaiki sebenarnya bukan bertambah baik dan menyenangkan tapi menyusahkan. Dan ada benda juga yang seringkali kita sangka susah sebenarnya alahai senang je. Keadaan aku sekarang yang mana satu? Bertambah baik ke bertambah gedebush..Erm..Azah!!! Lu pikirla sendiri!!! Baru hari ini aku dapat bernafas setelah melalui 3 hari yang amat getir. Dulu semasa belajar aku sering terfikir untuk bekerja tapi bila dah kerja aku rasa belajar lagi seronok. Tapi setelah melalui kedua-dua proses ini, aku mengakui yang kedua-duanya mempunyai fasa perasaan yang berlainan.

Kadang-kadang sering aku rasa ish kenapala bengap sangat aku ni nak faham proses kewangan kat tempat kerja ni. Masa mula- mula memang seronok la sebab belajar benda baru, tapi bila dah lama-lama ni, aku rasa stress sangat. Salah satunya sebabnya aku tak tahu pepe langsung.Yela aku belajar akaun tapi kat sini ape yang aku belajar langsung takda kene mengena. Jenis-jenis akaun yang memeningkan aku. Sedih jugak sebab ilmu aku ada ni tak diaplikasi langsung untuk keje aku buat ni. Sampai aku terfikir ish tak masuk universiti pun tak pe.

Aku akan rasa stress bila aku tak tahu perjalanan kerja tu dari mula dan paling tak suka lagi kalo mula keje kat tgh2...arh...tensionnye..Hari isnin aku balik kul 1.00 pagi so semalam aku ingat leh la balik awal and closing awal.Tapi pagi tu ada masalah pulak, tiba-tiba kod marketing berubah.Ish, apa lagi geram giler store team aku . Yela balancing pun tak buat lagi, store pun tak close lagi, banyak benda nak kena hadap. Dahla semalam aku kena marah dengan adik aku sebab dia tunggu 1 jam dari kul 11.00 malam. Ye la aku suh dia amik kul 11.00 sebab masa tu aku igt dah leh balance tapi tiba2 pulak GL tak upload lagi. So kesannya interface pun tak leh wat. So kena la tggu sampai kul 12.00 pagi tapi still takde pe2 pn movemovet. Nak tak nak aku kena la balik gak sebab adik aku dah tggu. Kesian senior aku, dia stay masa kami balik tuh. Dia kena tggu sampai interface. So balik tuh aku pn tgh moddy sebab kene marah dgn adik aku, aku tak tgk handset sbb rasa nak tdo dan layan perasaan jap. Pagi2 tu rupanya senior aku kol bnyk kali aku tak sedar. Aku punya akaun tak balance!!!! Terima kasih dan sorry sebab azah btol2 lupa pasal re-class tuh.

Tula bila semua nya nak wat last minit, maka hasilnya pun macam last minit. Mula la aku terkapai-kapai nak settlekan mana satu. Aku ni dah lah lembap sikit kat tempat baru ni..Arh benci aku dengan kelembapan aku ini.Sebab aku telah menyusahkan orang lain. Dan pada saat ini mula2 aku beremosi sedikit.

Walaupun semua ini bukanlah terlalu perit untuk dihadapi tetapi pengajarannya amat berguna. Sepanjang tempoh itu aku belajar mengenali kelebihan dan kekurangan diri. Dan aku mula mencongak masa depan aku di fasa yang berlainan. Biarla masa yang menentukan dan aku mengikut saja gerak hati dan langkah kanan yang sentiasa menghayun disusuri langkah kiri yang menyokong. Setiap yang berlaku ini adalah satu proses perubahan yang sama ada aku suka atau tidak aku mesti menghadapinya. Semoga aku diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran untuk menghadapi semua ini.

"Kesusahan hidup bukanlah hukuman sebaliknya ia adalah ujian untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik "